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Comment Policy

Welcome, one of the leading tech blogs and community focused entirely on Technology. We try our best to make sure that the discussions on our articles are troll, spam, and abuse-free but we’re not omnipresent. The comment section can be a great place for interaction with readers, writers, and even for spawning stimulating conversation – it can be a great place for all of us! To ensure that you have a good time over here at TechGeek, please make sure to stick to the following guidelines:

  • Spam? Goodbye!! We understand that you may make thousands of dollars working from home, however, we are not interested. Please refrain from posting or we’ll give you a hand and show both you and your post the door.
  • Be polite. Don’t be rude to anyone and respect others. If something you would say would get you bottled on the head offline, please don’t say it here. Remember there is a person behind the screen and that your words affect people.
  • Don’t troll or spread hate. We appreciate and welcome criticism towards writers here, but comments that add no value to the discussion or that are merely insulting are not welcome at all and will be deleted without any prior notice.

To put it in a simple sentence, our guidelines boil down to “Don’t be a d*ck”. If you don’t follow any of these guidelines, not only will our moderators remove the comment but we may also ban you from participating in the discussions.

If you find any comments which violate our guidelines, please make sure to ‘flag’ or ‘mark as spam’ – our moderators highly appreciate your support!

Happy commenting!!